Jr.-Sr. High School

Otto-Eldred News

At Otto-Eldred High School, we appreciate our involved parents and community members. We also enjoy broadcasting our latest news and information here on our News page, where we will chronicle school activities and student achievements and publish announcements. We’ll also offer helpful resources and information. So check back often, as we update it regularly.

School Board Appreciation Month
School Board Appreciation flyer

Otto-Eldred School District thanks the school board for their dedication. #SchoolDirectorRecognition

Twin Tier Student Flying Club Interest Meeting

There will be a parent and student interest meeting regarding a student flying club for the spring on January 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the high school rotunda. The objective is to introduce the aviation industry as a potential career to high school students (grades 10 through 12) throughout the Twin Tier Region through hands-on instruction.

Program to Include:

  • Ground Instruction (basic airplane instruments, engines, and systems)
  • Hands-on Flight Instruction
  • Opportunity to enroll in Advanced Training Program
  • Gleim Aviation Private Pilot Flight Kit

Additional Focus:

  • Mechanics
  • Air Traffic Control
  • Transportation Security Administration
  • Federal Aviation Administration
  • Airline Support Personnel
  • Flight Attendant
  • Airport Management

Children are born with wings - We'll teach them to fly.

Twin Tier Student Flying Club Interest Meeting Flyer

Online Curriculum Blueprint

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with Eduplanet to provide you with an easy, online resource to view our current curriculum. We invite you to view our curriculum blueprint at your convenience.